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Selectmen's Minutes 2007/12/10
7:00 PM Town Hall
Monday, December 10, 2007

Present:  Emma Smith, Stephen White, Richard Leone, William Roach

Absent:  Frederick Gallup

Also Attending:  Judy Trow, see sign in sheet for others

The meeting was called to order at 7:14PM by Chairman Emma Smith.

Budget Related:
Community Alliance – Barbara Brill & Greg Vigue
Barbara Brill stated that an overview of programs they are asking funding for will be given by Greg Vigue. The
request is for $1500.00.Greg presented an overview of the programs which deal with diversion, career development,
conflict resolution, better decision making, and adolescents dealing with anger and conflict.  They receive $30,500
from the county and $25,000 from the federal government (incentive funds).  Between January and September 2007
they have served two Sunapee residents.  Steve White explained that the issue is not the programs the Board is
questioning. It is the percentage paid to the County in comparison to the number of people served.  They had also
served five from Sunapee in the past –thee were diversion, one alcohol, and one community service.  Dick Leone
questioned how the Sunapee welfare program is doing.  Greg advised that so far he is under budget now, but that
probably will increase because of the cost of fuel and rents.  Emma Smith questioned how they advertise their
programs.  Greg advised that he has contact with the prosecutors, juvenile probation & parole officers, the
police departments, judges, and school principals.  Barbara Brill stated that families are made aware through the
judicial system.  Greg advised that many times they are tougher then the courts.  Steve questioned how they assess
towns in regard to the amounts requested – Barbara Brill stated that in the past have asked towns for $500. This year
it is based on activity.  Emma advised that the Board will discuss the request later and advise.  Greg stated that he
would like the Selectmen to consider families served in the future as well.  Judy Trow asked if every community in
the county has come forth with funds in the past.  Barbara Brill advised that there were four other towns in
addition to Sunapee that did not give.  Greg advised that in2006 eight towns did not contribute and in 2007 five
towns did not contribute.

LSPA – Donna explained that June Fitcher has requested a $5,000 Warrant Article.  Her response is in the
Selectmen packets and she is available to meet with the Board next Monday.

Southwestern Community Services –
Keith Thibedeau advised that they have twenty five programs that affect low to moderate income people.  In 2007
the breakdown for Sunapee is 70 fuel assistance $44,170, 44 electrical, and 2 weatherized homes.  The only town in
the county that does not give support is Newport.  $140,000 of direct assistance was given.  The request is for $850.
It is used for outreach so that people are aware of what is available.  Steve White noted that assistance is also
provided by the State and Sunapee welfare.  Donna asked for direct assistance per capita and Keith advised he can
get that information. He advised that 239 households in Sunapee are getting assistance and Donna noted that almost
100 are for referral services, not monetary assistance.  

West Central Behavior –
Ron Michaud explained that this is a community based mental health system established by the federal government.
Instead of the State providing the services, it was decided to establish community mental health centers due to the
drug problems.  It was then given to the states to run by federal government in the late 1960’s.  They get small
amounts of money from state, money from Medicaid, and also from private insurance.  Due to that they are unable
to provide prevention services.  Private insurance does not pay what it costs to provide the services.  Medicaid just
barely covers the costs. Emma questioned the number of Sunapee residents that are served and Steve noted there
were a total of 92.  Ron Michaud broke it down to 48 children, 43 adults, and 17 emergency services.  He noted that
23 of the 43 were for 2438 sessions of other services.  They ask the towns for $1.10 per person based on population.
They serve Sullivan County and part of Southern Grafton County.   They are asking for $3300.  He advised that
They have child psychiatrists, psychologists, provide medication, and have a case manager.  The county does
nothing.  He gave a list of the towns and the amount of money given.  

- Appointments Boards & Committees
                Beautification Oversight:  Donna Gazelle – 1 year
                                        Barbara Cooper – 1 year
                Conservation Commission: Roger Whittaker – 3 years

R. Leone thinks don’t have to come in unless new.  Motion SW to change to new people, 2nd RL, approved unanimously.   If would like to meet with anyone, notify Donna.  Approve above plus Robert Hill, Conservation and Robin Pollard, Beautificaiton.

A Motion was made by Steve White and seconded by Richard Leone to approve the minutes of November 19, 2007.  The motion was approved unanimously.

LSPA – Donna advised that there is $9,437.00 in the Capital Reserve Fund.
A motion was made by Richard Leone to give $5,000.00 to LSPA.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously by the Board.

A motion was made by Steve White to fund $1,500.00 for Community Alliance, $850.00 for Southwestern Community Services, and $3,300.00 for West Central Behavioral Health.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone and approved unanimously by the Board.

Duke – Donna advised that the road is named correctly on the document for the Boundary Line Adjustment.  She noted that F. Gallup was correct when he recalled the road reference at an earlier meeting.  The map has been corrected and the reference in deed has been corrected.  The Board will have to sign it again.
        SAU Decision – Offices in Safety Services Building:  Judy Trow stated that during a conversation with the Town Manager it was said there could be a possibility of available space in the Safety Services Building, so she went back to School Board and advised.  Steve White added that the town has to pay to do the changes to the building and then recover the costs through the rents.  Steve White and Bill Roach expressed that they cannot support this.  Emma Smith advised that it was discussed at great length on Saturday.  Bill Roach stated he feels the Safety Services Building is not the place for it.  Judy explained that they need temporary quarters in a temporary facility.  They have also looked at the Blodgett House and what it would cost to renovate.  They have looked at other places also.   She is here to get a decision from the Board of Selectmen.  Richard Leone made a motion not to renovate space at the Safety Services Building for the purposes of the SAU.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously by the Board.
        - Donna reminded the Board of a meeting with the Library Trustees on Wednesday.

        - Richard Leone stated that people are asking about the renovations at Town Hall. He would like to get a tour so he can answer their questions.  Donna explained access at the main lobby to the different services.  Dick stated that he needs to understand the functionality so that he can explain it to people.  Steve suggested that Donna give an overview at the Deliberative Session.

        - A discussion was held on communication and how to get updates on what is happening in town and at town hall on an ongoing basis instead of as an agenda item for Board meetings.  Emma suggested an update bulleting on a weekly basis.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15PM.

Submitted by, Joan Bleau                                Approved______________________

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                 Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         ______________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup